Board papers
The Trust Board holds a monthly Board meeting where it receives information and assurance on performance. The board discusses matters of strategic importance and takes decisions.
Board meetings are split into two parts, part one is open to the public and part two is private.
Members of the public are welcome to attend part one. They are able to ask questions at the point in the agenda set aside for this.
The Board meetings often begin with a short presentation from a member of staff or feedback from a patient's experience of our services.
Matters that have a highly sensitive nature or are ‘commercial in confidence’ are held in part 2. This is held in private. The Board seeks to make as much of its business as possible open to the public. The the vast majority of papers and discussions fall within the public section.
Board papers are made available and these include minutes and a decision log.
If you would like more information about the Board meeting or to submit a question under the agenda item titled ‘Questions from the Public, please contact the Corporate Governance Team by email westherts.
Questions must relate to an item on the Board meeting agenda and be submitted to the Corporate Governance Team at least 48 hours before the start of the Board meeting (i.e. by 9.30am on the Tuesday directly before the meeting).
Pre-submitted questions will be answered at the meeting, but you will not be able to contribute to the discussion.
Complex questions that require in-depth research, data retrieval or analysis may be deferred and responded to in writing or answered at a future Board meeting. The decision by the Chair of the Board on whether to accept a question and how it should be answered is final.
If you wish to give a compliment, raise a concern, or make a complaint, please view our Patient Feedback page.
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