Before you start
There are lots of different ways you can keep up to date with the latest news and events across the trust. See below for how you can stay in the loop!
Our staff app is a simple way to keep up to date with everything that is going on at the trust, including all information that’s sent out via email, neatly organised in one user-friendly place!
Open the app store on your phone, search for ‘Team West Herts’ and install.
You can access the new starter section without registering. You will need to register with your NHS email address to see the full information.
Please note, it can take up to 30 days for new starters to be able to register.
E-update is our email newsletter, sent out to all staff twice a week. Published every Monday and Thursday, E-update provides information about all current events and essential information for you to keep you up to date.
To submit an item to be included in E-update, use the link on the homepage of the intranet which will take you to a webform.
Live for Five is our monthly live broadcast via Zoom. Each month, our chief exec Matthew Coats gives a five minute update on key developments across the trust. It's also your chance to have any questions answered directly by our executive team.
You can also follow us on social media, where we share the latest breaking news as well as publicise the great work and achievements of our brilliant staff!
You can find us on Facebook, Instagram, X, Linkedin and YouTube.
Keep up to date with our latest job opportunities by joining our job alert channel on WhatsApp!