Before you start
Once you start work in your new team, your manager will arrange for you to receive a local induction which will cover the essential information you need and will help you settle in.
If your role requires a uniform, you'll be able to collect this from your manager on your first day. Please wear black trousers, flat shoes, and ensure you are bare below the elbows.
To make sure you can access the areas you need, you will need a security access card. The security form is located on our intranet site and will need to be signed by your manager. Once approved, please email the signed form to our Security team westherts.
If you have any queries about security access cards, please contact Security team by emailing westherts.
If you already have, or previously had, an NHS email account ending ‘@nhs.net’, you will need to contact the IT Helpdesk at your previous organisation to request this to be transferred and for you to be marked as a leaver. Once this step has taken place, please contact our IT service desk and ask to add your email account to West Herts as a joiner. We cannot issue a new email account to you if you already have one listed.
We cannot issue a new email account to you if you already have one list or run two simultaneously.
You're able to access your NHS email outside of the trust network, including on your mobile phone, via the web portal. Using the web portal is really simple and doesn't require you to download any software or receive notifications.
User guides on how to use MS Teams, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and much more can be found on the support website.
Your manager will request access to any network drives and applications you may need.
If you need help with IT, contact the ICT service desk by phone on 0300 303 0690 or #6175 from Watford and St Albans and #61175 from Hemel.
You can also contact the ICT service desk via the online self-service portal available here. Login using your network username and password.
We use an Electronic Patient Record (EPR) as the main clinical system for our patients and their treatment record. You'll require a smartcard (see the next section for details) and have an appropriate role added to this to access this system.
You'll need to undertake training, either online or in a classroom session before access will be granted to our EPR. Our EPR training site PromisePoint provides you with any training modules assigned to you, records all your EPR training, and provides you with practice modules, quick reference guides, videos and instructions. This site can be accessed both from home and work.
To access our electronic patient record (EPR) system, you will need a smartcard.
You can register for a smartcard by contacting the IT service desk, either via the online portal or by calling 0300 303 0690 (or #6175 from Watford and St Albans and #61175 from Hemel).
Smartcards can only be issued face to face, so you will be contacted with an appointment time and date.
To register for a new smartcard, three forms of identification is required, at least one of which must be a photo ID.
To be able to print, you'll need to create a personal printer code. This will give you access to any of the printers across our sites.
Details about how to create a personal print code are included in your IT induction letter. You are also able to link your smartcard to a printer to retrieve documents.