Complaints and feedback
Our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) is here to help patients, relatives or carers who need help, advice or wish to raise any issues or concerns regarding their treatment or stay in hospital.
Should your relatives, carers or friends wish to raise concerns on your behalf, we would need to have your consent to protect patient confidentiality.
We make every effort to ensure our patients receive the highest standard of care but sometimes issues or difficulties can arise.
In the first instance, ask to speak to the service concerned, for example, the ward or department manager or the sister in charge. Many problems come from simple misunderstandings which can be resolved very quickly if you speak to staff at the time.
During the night you can ask to speak to the on-call Duty Manager by calling switchboard on 01923 244366.
If that does not resolve the issue, please ask them to contact the PALS team or you can contact us personally using the contact information below.
Even if you have been discharged from hospital, you can still let us know about any issues you want to raise.
PALS can:
PALS cannot:
If our ward staff or PALS team have been unable to resolve your concerns, you can raise a formal complaint regarding any aspect of the your care or our services.