Take part in research
HRA Approval is the new process for the NHS in England that brings together the assessment of governance and legal compliance, undertaken by dedicated HRA staff, with the independent REC opinion provided through the UK Health Departments’ Research Ethics Service. It replaces the need for local checks of legal compliance and related matters by each participating organisation in England. This allows participating organisations to focus their resources on assessing, arranging and confirming their capacity and capability to deliver the study.
If your study is led from England and involves the NHS in England, you should now use HRA Approval. Before you apply for REC review, please view the applicant guidance section on the HRA website for information about how to apply.
Our Research and Development department is the channel through which every research project involving West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust must be approved before it may commence.
Types of research which need Trust approval, are those which involve:
All research projects must have an internal costing pro-forma completed by the researcher or designated individual (i.e. research nurse or experienced data manager).
Please send your completed form by email to the R&D Office dealing with your project.
The Research and Development department tries to operate a 'parallel processing' policy where possible.
We will initiate review of a project alongside the local site specific assessment where appropriate. We always require a minimum of the documentation listed below to commence the review process.
Please submit the following documents to westherts.rdapplications@nhs.net
Upon receipt of the above, we will commence review of your project.
All projects are reviewed by a Research and Development Steering Group (RDSG) to assess the study’s suitability within the Trust. Please contact the R&D Office responsible for the study to find out the closing date for applications to the committee.
When available, the full submission (all documents listed below) should be forwarded electronically (and posted where necessary) to the Research and Development Office dealing with your project:
We have an arrangement with the Centre for Lifespan and Chronic Illness Research (CLiCIR) at the University of Hertfordshire to provide both on site and remote support to researchers, through the NIHR Research Design Service.
Available support includes advice on potential sources of funding, the development of grant applications and building research networks both locally, and with other Universities and Trusts. Support can also be provided on statistical analysis and methods of dissemination, such as publications and conferences. To access these services, please contact the Research and Development offices.
For more details, visit the RDS website.
The Trust encourages researchers to apply for research grants via the UK Research Delivery Network.
The calls for proposals are updated frequently so it's advisable to check regularly for new funding streams.