Job Title
Consultant Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Related services
- Benign Gynaecology and Labour Ward
I graduated in medicine in 2003 in Romania and completed my training in obstetrics and gynaecology in the UK.
During my time training I have gained great experience in managing and treatment being gynaecology conditions, developing great surgical skills by attending various highly specialised courses in minimal invasive surgery under the training and teaching of the Chelsea and Westminster team.
I have also attended international courses and congresses where I have developed my surgical skills.
My areas of interest are advanced labour ward management and benign gynaecology, being competent in performing minimal access surgery like laparoscopic cystectomy and hysterectomy.
Furthermore my experience as a consultant so far has exponentially enhanced my professional resilience. This is a result of dealing with cases of the utmost complexity whilst always committing to the highest standard of patient care, clinical procedure accuracy and a continuous adherence to national and local guidance for a strong commitment to ensure that I would never allow any compromise whatsoever, regardless of the situation.
My most desirable professional quality I have developed is my personal professional framework in situations in which the patient deliberately decides to request care out of the guidance. Whilst respecting the discernment, dignity and privacy of the patient, I am also ensuring I always provide all the adequate information available which is stipulated in the guidelines in order for the patient to be able to make an informed decision.