Job Title

Consultant Paediatrician


Watford General Hospital

Related services

Children's services


  • General Paediatrics


  • Haematology and Oncology


I am a Consultant Paediatrician and the MDT Lead for our paediatric haematology and oncology service and our haemoglobinopathy service. I joined the
Trust as a Consultant in 2018.
I work as an acute general paediatrician at Watford General providing inpatient care and outpatient general paediatric clinics. I am the Lead for inpatient, day
care and outpatient services for our haematology and oncology patients as part of a specialist MDT with our consultant colleague and clinical nurse specialist
teams. This includes oncology patients and haemoglobinopathy (sickle cell and thalassaemia).
I am a strong advocate for improving patient experience around transition to adult services and have developed a local in-reach service for Teenage & Young
Adult (TYA) oncology patients aged 16-18 years and a Sickle Cell transition clinic with our adult service colleagues.
I am also the Clinical co-Lead for Paediatric Oncology Shared Care Units (POSCU) for the North Thames Paediatric Cancer network, working collaboratively
with colleagues from the South Thames Network and NHS England on transformation work to improve Paediatric Oncology shared care across the region.
I have trained across the North Thames region including at Great Ormond Street Hospital and University College London Hospital - Haematology and
Oncology Services, St Marys Paediatric Intensive Care and other general paediatric units.
I graduated from the University of Birmingham Medical School.