S Qayyum, J Sehmi, D Auger, A Griguer, P Jain, M Khan, N Keenan, 1641 Bicuspid pulmonary valve - an unusual cause of dilated pulmonary artery, European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging, Volume 21, Issue Supplement_1, January 2020
Chahal NS, Lim TK, Jain P, Chambers JC, Kooner JS, Senior R.
Population-Based Reference Values for 3D Echocardiographic LV Volumes and Ejection Fraction (JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2012 Dec;5(12):1191-7)
Jain P; Kooner J.S., Raval U, Lahiri A
Prevalence of Coronary Artery Calcium Scores and Silent Myocardial Ischemia Was Similar in Indian Asians and European Whites in a Cross-sectional Study of Asymptomatic Subjects from a UK Population (LOLIPOP-IPC) (J Nucl Cardiol. 2011 May;18(3):435-42)
Chahal NS, Lim TK, Jain P, Chambers JC, Kooner JS, Senior R.
Does subclinical atherosclerosis burden identify the increased risk of cardiovascular disease mortality among United Kingdom Indian Asians? A population study. (Am Heart J. 2011 Sep;162(3):460-6)
Chahal NS, Lim TK, Jain P, Chambers JC, Kooner JS, Senior R.
Normative reference values for the tissue Doppler imaging parameters of left ventricular function: a population-based study. (European Journal of Echocardiography, 2010 Jan;11)
Chahal NS, Lim TK, Jain P, Chambers JC, Kooner JS, Senior R.
New insights into the relationship of left ventricular geometry and left ventricular mass with cardiac function: a population study of hypertensive subjects. (European Heart Journal, 2009 Nov 19)
Chahal NS; Lim TK; Jain P; Chambers JC; Kooner JS; Senior R.
Ethnicity-Related Differences in Left Ventricular Function, Structure and Geometry: A Population Study of UK Indian Asians and European Whites. (Heart, 2009 July 2)
Jain P; Lahiri A
Metabolic Syndrome: An Evolving?Threat in the Genesis of Coronary Artery Disease. (Journal of Cardiometabolic Syndrome.2007; 2; 190-197)
Shahzad Qayyum, Abubakar Habib, Svyatoslav Kechyn, Dominique Auger, Nizar Damani, Anne Griguer, Nearchos Hadjiloizou, Piyush Jain, Niall Keenan, Masood Khan Anisha, Prabhakar, Kevin Rosenfeld, Joban Sehmi.
Chahal N; Lim TK; Jain P; Chambers JC; Kooner JS; Senior R.
Abnormal Geometry With Increased Left Ventricular Mass and Not Concentric Remodelling Is Associated With Abnormal Left Ventricular Function in Hypertensives: A Population Study. 58th Annual Scientific Session of the American-College-of-Cardiology. 53:A212-A213. (10 Mar 2009).
P. Jain, JC Chambers, U Raval, J. Kooner, A Lahiri
Similar Prevalence of Silent Myocardial Ischemia UK India Asians and European Whites, despite differences in CHD mortality. Oral presentation at the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology Annual Conference, September 2008
P. Jain, JC Chambers , PM Elliott, A Lahiri, J. Kooner
Coronary artery calcification as a predictor of increased coronary heart disease risk in UK Indian Asians. Presented at National Heart and Lung Institute Annual Research Day, June 2008 (Awarded Best Poster)
P. Jain, JC Chamber , PM Elliott, ED Williams, B Kraly, S Muscat ,A Lahiri, J. Kooner,
Coronary artery calcification as a predictor of increased coronary heart disease risk in UK Indian Asians. Abstract 143 Heart 2008; 94 suppl2:A5-A145
NS Chahal, TK Lim, P Jain, JC Chambers, R Senior, JS Kooner
Carotid intima-media thickness as a surrogate marker of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease risk in healthy UK Indian Asians and European Whites. Abstract 10 Heart 2008; 94 suppl2:A5-A145
E Lim, D V Anand, P Jain, F Gani, S Torgalkar, J Kooner, A Lahiri.
Increased Risk of Abnormal Myocardial Perfusion in Type II Diabetic Subjects Compared to Non-Diabetic Subjects with Similar Levels of Coronary Artery Calcification. Presented at British Nuclear Cardiology Society Annual Conference, December 2006 (Awarded Best abstract)