What to expect
The pre-operative assessment may take between 1 to 4 hours, depending on the type of surgery you will be having. Please ensure you allow enough time for this.
During this appointment you will be asked lots of questions relating to your previous and current medical history. You will also have various tests done such as a blood pressure, oxygen levels, pulse rate, MRSA swabs (cotton bud sample from your nose and groin). Depending on your age, type of surgery and medical history you may be required to have an ECG (tracing of your heart rhythm). The results of these tests will be reviewed and used to determine your fitness for surgery.
You may be required to have additional tests such as an ECHO – (scan of your heart) or to be seen by different staff groups such as pharmacists, specialist nurses or anaesthetists during your visit.
They may suggest it is necessary for you to return to preoperative assessment clinic at a later date.
The nurse will advise you of specific requirements that need to be met for your type of surgery. It is important to follow all the advice you are given by the various health care professionals to avoid delay to your operation.
Your current medication will also be reviewed, and specific instructions will be given to you about what you need to stop and when, to ensure your surgery can proceed safely.
We encourage you to be involved in the decision making process and will ensure you are fully informed about your progress as you go through the stages towards your surgery.
If you are invited for a face-to-face review with the anaesthetist, we encourage you to bring a family member or a carer to ensure that they are fully informed about your health status and can ask relevant questions.